1. Do I need an RMA number to send goods in for servicing?

No, an RMA number is only required when returning purchased items. When returning items, please contact Barchard Engineering to provide a reason for the return and obtain your RMA number.

* Please note, all items are subject to a 10% restocking fee; 50% if not in original packing, if packaging is damaged or if more than 6 months has elapsed; 70% if the item was a special order.

2. What shipping methods are available?

Barchard Engineering uses all customer preferred shipping methods. Please specify your choice upon placing your order.

3. What methods of payment are accepted?

Barchard Engineering accepts cash, cheque, debit and credit card. To set up a charge account, please complete a credit application available on our Resources page.

4. What is the preferred method for placing an order?

Barchard Engineering requests that orders are placed by phone. Should you have no sizing or technical questions, you may fax or email your order in.

5. What information is required when ordering a Meter?

Please let the order desk know:
a) What the line pressure is at the location of the meter
b) The flow rate or BTU value

6 What information is required when ordering a Regulator?

Please let the order desk know:
a) The flow rate or BTU value
b) The Inlet pressure
c) The Outlet pressure

7. Can Barchard Engineering seal custody transfer meters?

Yes, Barchard Engineering can seal most meters for custody transfer. Please contact us for details.

8. Can Barchard Engineering perform a "Prove-only" on meters?

Yes, a Prove-only can be completed only if the meter is clean and free of debris. For specific pricing, please refer to the Standard Meter Pricing Sheet available on our Services page

9. Can I rotate an 8C counter?

Yes, please refer to the installation, operation and maintenance manual available on our Resources page.

10. How do I fill a meter with oil?

Please refer to the installation, operation and maintenance manual available on our Resources page.

11. What is my meter rated to?

Meter ratings are specific to your meter. Your meter rating should be labeled on your meter identification badge. If not, please refer to the Meter Data Sheets.

12. When switching out old meters for new, current models does the "flange to flange" measurements change?

In the majority of cases, the flange to flange measurement stays the same. Please refer to the Flange to Flange Measurement Table available on our Resources page for more detailed information.

13. Can I use a Rotary Meter for Sour Service?

Rotary Meters are not designed for Sour Service. Some Rotary Meters, however, are available with parts installed that are designed to handle small amounts of sour contaminants. As soon as any of the aluminum becomes exposed, the meter will corrode. For higher concentrations of H2S, we would recommend the use of a stainless steel turbine meter.

14. Can I get a Roots meter in 1" or 1-1/4" NPT?

No you cannot. The smallest inlet and outlet diameter size on a Roots meter is 1-1/2″ NPT. Rotary meters, however, do not have any minimum length requirements for straight pipe up or downstream; you can swedge to whatever pipe size you like immediately before and after the meter.

15. What applications would require the use of a nitrogen bottle loading block?

Nitrogen bottle loading blocks are often used to load pressure to a FlexFlo regulator. They could be used in pressure reducing and back pressure applications. A typical setup includes mounting the nitrogen bottle to the loading block along with a gauge, which can be adjusted to apply an appropriate amount of pressure. These regulators are often nitrogen loaded in liquid applications where process fluids may not be compatible or preferable with use of a Mooney pilot.

*Please note that Barchard Engineering Ltd. does not stock or regularly sell Nitrogen bottles, as they can be readily available from your compressed gas supplier.

Barchard Engineering Ltd

6019 - 92 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 3A5